Success Stories
सिलाई का रोजगार सफलता का आधार
1. सफलता से पूर्व की स्थिति : श्रीमती श्वेता राजमनी कुजूर, गांव-दामकोम, पंचायत- घाघरा प्रखण्ड-घाघरा की पाँचवी पास एक सशक्त महिला है जिन्होने परेशानियों को पीछे छोड़ते हुए आगे बढ़ने का फैसला किया और आज वो अपने क्षेत्र की महिलाओं के लिये एक प्रेरणा भी है। श्रीमती श्वेता राजमनी की शादी बहुत ही पिछड़े क्षेत्र में हुई थी जहाँ पर संसाधनों का काफी अभाव था। उनका परिवार आय अर्जन हेतु खेती पर पूर्णतः निर्भर था। खेती में वे लोग मुख्य रुप से खरीफ फसलों यानि धान की ही खेती करते थे और उसी से अपना जीवनयापन करते थे, जो कि सुदृढ़ जीवनयापन के लिये अपर्याप्त था । 2. कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र की भूमिका (विवरण) जैसे : (क) जागरूकता (ख) प्रशिक्षण (ग) अग्रिम पंक्ति प्रत्यक्षण (घ) प्रसंस्करण एवं मूल्य संवर्धन (च) पैकेजिंग एवं (छ) विपणन श्रीमती श्वेता राजमनी कुजूर को बचपन से ही सिलाई में शौक था, लेकिन सिलाई प्रशिक्षण न ले पाने के कारण वह पूर्ण रूप से सिलाई करने में असमर्थ थी। सन् 2021 मे जब उन्हें कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र गुमला द्वारा चलाये जाने वाले सिलाई प्रशिक्षण के बारे में पता चला तो उन्होने बिना बिलंब किये हुए यहाँ से सिलाई प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त किया। जैसा की श्रीमती श्वेता राजमनी कुछ नया करना चाहती थी और आत्मनिर्भर बनना चाहती थी, यह सिलाई प्रशिक्षण उनके सपने को साकार करने में काफी कारगर सिद्ध हुआ। 3. उपरोक्त गतिविधियों का परिणाम विवरण में : प्रशिक्षणोपरान्त उन्होने गांव में ही रहकर महिलाओं और बच्चों के वस्त्र सिलना शुरू किया और धीरे धीरे अपने रोजगार को आगे बढ़ाया। कुछ समय पश्चात जब उन्हें लगा कि अब वह सिलाई में कुशल हो गई है तो उन्होने पास के बाजार बनारी में एक दुकान खोलने का निर्णय लिया और 2 हजार महीने भाड़ा पर एक कमरा किराये पर लेकर अपना सिलाई का काम शुरु किया। उन्हें सिलाई हेतु काफी काम मिलने लगे थे, लेकिन एक ही मषीन होने के कारण वह समय पर ग्राहकों के वस्त्र सिलकर नहीं दे पाती थी। इसी दौरान उनकी इस समस्या के समाधान हेतु कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र गुमला ने टी. एस. पी. परियोजना अन्तर्गत सन् 2022 में उन्हें एक सिलाई मशीन प्रदान की जिससे उन्हें काफी मदद मिली। सिलाई मशीन मिलने से उन्हें इस कार्य को और आगे बढ़ाने हेतु सकारात्मक उर्जा मिली जिससे उन्होंने एक और महिला को अपने सिलाई केन्द्र में जोड़ा और इस महिला को 3000 रु प्रति माह की दर से मानधन देकर सिलाई के क्षेत्र में रोजगार प्रदान किया। 4. परिणाम : क्र॰ सं॰ कुल वार्षिक लागत (रु॰) कुल वार्षिक आय (रु॰) शुद्ध आय(रु॰) रोजगार सृजन (श्रमदिवस) कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र की भूमिका से पहले 50000.00 125000.00 75000.00 90 कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र की भूमिका के बाद 75000.00 300000.00 225000.00 365 परिणाम का महिला और उनके परिवार/अन्य महिलाओं पर प्रभाव : सन् 2021 में उन्होने सिलाई का कार्य शुरू किया और सन् 2023 तक वह सुई धागे की दुनिया में बहुत आगे बढ़ गई इस उद्यम से उन्हें प्रतिमाह 25000 रु. आय की प्राप्ति होती है जिससे उनके पारिवारिक दायित्वों के निर्वाहन में काफी मदद मिलती है। आज वह अपनी बेटी को एक अच्छी शिक्षा दे पा रही है। जो भी महिलाये उनके पास सिलाई सीखने आती है उनको सिलाई करने के साथ साथ सिलाई भी सिखाती है। इन्होंने न केवल अपने बारे में ही सोचा बल्कि आस पास की कई महिलाओं को सिलाई सिखाकर दूसरों के लिये भी सराहनीय कार्य किया। इनके माध्यम से पाँच और महिलाये गांव में रहकर सिलाई कर अपना खर्चा चला रही है। इनके सराहनीय कार्य एवं आत्म निर्भरता को देखते हुए कृषि विज्ञान गुमला द्वारा आयोजित कृषि मेला-2024 में श्री समीर उरांव, मान्नीय राज्यसभा सांसद, झारखण्ड, भारत सरकार द्वारा प्रशस्ति पत्र देकर सम्मानित किया गया । श्रीमती श्वेता राजमनी एक सशक्त एवं आत्मनिर्भर महिला है और एक सशक्त महिला समाज बनाने में अहम भूमिका निभा रही है। इन्होंने बहुत धैर्य के साथ सभी असफलताओं एवं कठिनाइयों का सामना किया और समाज में एक उन्नत एवं सशक्त महिला होने का उदाहरण पेश किया है। इन्होने सुई धागे की दुनिया में भी बहुत उन्नति प्राप्त किया और अब अपने कार्य को आगे बढ़ाते हुए सिलाई उद्यम में लगने वाले अन्य सामानों की बिक्री भी शुरु कर दी है, जिससे इनके आय में काफी इजाफा हुआ है।
Date: 2024-09-04
Enhancement of income through introduction of new crop variety
Name of farmer & Address Name:- Balbhadra Gope Vill:- Jargatoli Block:- Ghaghra Dist:- Gumla Mobile no. – 6203001311 Background information about farmer field - Keeping the objectives of Frontline Demonstration in the centre, farmer’s field was selected, which was on roadside and approachable to other adjoining villages. Field condition of demonstration plot was low in Nitrogen and Phosphorous while high in potassium. Previously the cropping system of the respective farmer’s field was Rice-Wheat and the farmer had to manage 8-10 no. of irrigation for wheat, which leads high production cost. Keeping the constraints of managing water, crop Mustard (variety – PM-30) was introduced in the existing system with an objective to minimize the cost and maximize the judicious utilization of available natural resources. Details of technology demonstrated - Quality seed (PM-30), line sowing, proper irrigation (3 No) along with INM & IPM Institutional Involvement 1. BAU, Ranchi, 2. NSC, Ranchi, 3. ATMA, Gumla, 4. PRI members Success Point Average seed yield of this variety is 22.38 q/ha with 37.7% oil content & high market price. It variety bold seeds and matures in about 137 days. Use of Sulfex 80 WP through Drone at the time of flowering stage helped to reduce the emergence of powdery mildew disease. Outcome Yield (q/ha) - Demonstration 18.20 - Potential yield of variety/technology 22.38 - District average (Previous year) 9.68 - State average (Previous year) 8.25
Date: 2022-12-31
Introduction of improve Groundnut variety (TG-51) & ICM.
Name of farmer & address Smt. Tijan Devi Village – Kesipara Block – Gumla District – Gumla Mobile - 7740016239 Background information about farmer field - Field selected for implementation of CFLD of Smt. Tijan Devi was rainfed upland. The soil status was low in Nitrogen, Phosphorous and medium in Potash and acidic Soil. The previous cropping system was Blackgram-Mustard. Groundnut is one among the major oilseeds crop cultivated in Kesipara village of Gumla block of Gumla district during Kharif season in an area of 30 ha. The productivity of the crop was low due to less awareness towards high yielding varieties, non-availability of quality seed and non adoption of Integrated crop management practices in Groundnut. The average yield obtained by farmers was 10.20q/ha which was lower than the potential yield, and the income of the farmers was not satisfactory. To address these problems faced by the farmers, The KVK Gumla had implemented CFLD on Groundnut in Kesipara village. The scientist of KVK analyzed the problem of farmers through group meetings in Kesipara village prior to the implementation of CFLD programme. The KVK had selected 02 progressive farmers for implementing the CFLD. The KVK has demonstrated the improved variety TG-51 and accordingly 70 kg seed/ha was provided to the participants farmers. Success point - To organize on campus training on Improve Production technology of Groundnut with availability of improve seed TG-51 and field days was also conducted on farmer’s field by KVK, in 2022-23. Smt. Tijan Devi getting very interest for adoption of this technology. His field was prepared by Cultivator & rotavator and then line sowing was done with the help of cultivator. The fertilizer applied was 100 kg N: 60 kg P: 40 kg K with 4500 kg organic manure (FYM). Weed management through manual after 30 DAS .
Date: 2022-12-31
Income enhancement through Commercial Cultivation of Tomato
Name of farmer - Sukhram Bhagat Address - Village – Tapkara, Post- Tapkara, Block – Palkot, Dist – Gumla Name and description of the farm/ enterprise- Mr. Sukhram Bhagat, age 29 years of palkot block of Gumla district is a farmer by profession. He has land holding of 1.5 hectare of which 1.0 hectare land is cultivated by paddy crop and 0.5 hectare of land is cultivated by tomato respectively by traditional farming techniques and attain an annual income of rupees 50000-55000. Due to lack of modern techniques of farming he could not achieve high returns from his farming. He was feeling immense problem to look after his family under these circumstances. Economic inpact - Mr. Bhagat was trained to commercial vegetable cultivation like tomato crop their varieties, especially disease resilient seed treatment, raised nursery in pro-tray and modern techniques of farming. After receiving training Mr Bhagat cultivated tomato crop in 1.0 ha of his land considering the market situation and achieved a cost benefit ratio of one ratio 3.11 and his net return income was 180000 rupees. After this success Shri Bhagat has become an inspiration for the other farmers of his village. Social impact - Shri Bhagat is having good economic returns and now can look for better education for his children and lead a sustainable livelihood in society and has a Happy family. He is now an inspiration for farmers of his community. Horizontal/ Vertical spread -Shri Bhagat started this new initiative of tomato cultivation in his field which not only proved to be beneficial for his economical amelioration but also brought positive change among the rural villagers of palkot block where 20 hectare of land on which 30 farmers of 3 villages are associated with tomato cultivation. This positive change observed for boosting the economic and social standard among the ruler farmers of Gumla district towards vegetable cultivation.
Date: 2022-03-31
Income enhancement through Para Vet
Name of farmer Lalmohan Oraon Address S/O Birsal Oraon, Village -Dardag, PS- Ghaghra, Shivrajpur, Gumla, Totambi, Jharkhand, PIN-835208 Name and description of the farm/ enterprise- Lalmohan Oraon a 26 years old inter belongs to a poor family, He is having very small land holdingand also rearing 2 bullocks, 1 buffalow and 2 cows. It was very difficult to run the family. Sometimes called on Dr. Naresh, a retired veterinary doctor to look after the animals. During the conversation he desired to assist him in his work. Dr. naresh agreed to keep him as his assistant. Dr. Naresh was providing a lump sum amount. Dr. Naresh suggested him to get training of paravet and others related to animal haealh. He contacted to Krishi vigyan Kendra Gumla, Vikas Bharti Bishunpur. Fortunately 7 days training (56 hours) on Animal para vet have been awarded by ICAR to KVK Gumla during the year 2017 and it was going to start. Lal Mohan Oraon was enrolled as one of the trainees and he completed the training programme successfully. Again he got an opportunity to participate in 7 days training programme organized by Animal husbandry department, Goj at Ranchi. After getting two training his confidence build up. Department of Animal husbandry supported him with Cryocan of 20 l and 3 l capacity. AI gun with the accessories as post training support. He purchased a new motor cycle and fit the cryocan and AI gun. Now he started to provide the services as Animal Para vet health worker. Time to time he visits KVK for technical advice. Now Dr.Naresh has became too old as was unable to attend the call and he was referring the case to Mr. Lal Mohan Oraon. He is purchasing inputs like LN-2 and Simen of cattle by private party. In this way he started AI and veterinary first aid to the animals on payment basis. Day by day his practices take off in whole panchayat of shivrajpur of Ghaghra block. Lack of veterinary doctors in the veterinary hospitals was an opportunity for him. He became the first choice of the animal rearers for AI and disease management. Economic impact-Before his job as an Assistant of a veterinary doctor he was unemployed and struggling for his livelihood. Presently he is earning about Rs. 15000/- per month as net income. He is happy with his earnings. His children are studying in a private public school. Social impact -He is providing services to the animal rearer of whole shivrajpur panchayat. His success in this field provided him recognition in the society. Environmental impact -Due to his services the spread of contagious diseases in animals like PPR, FMD, HSBQ etc has reduced. Horizontal/ Vertical spread - Initially he services from his village i'e Shivrajpur within a span of 2 years he covered the villages like Tunjo, Hutar, Twajadih, SHivrajpur, Chechepath, Dardag, Sehal, Barkadih, Gudadih and Nauni of Ghaghra block of Gumla district. Gradually the number of customers is increasing and his area of services is spreading
Date: 2022-03-31
Nutritional Garden brings Nutritional Security
Name of farmer- Mrs. Anjella Kerketta Address- Village -Bendi, Panchayat- Amtipani, Block- Bishunpur, District- Gumla Name and description of the farm/ enterprise-Mrs. Anjella Kerketta was a successful Nutritional gardener from Bendi Village within Bishunpur block of Gumla District, was doing nutritional gardening in a very small area (0.008 ha). As she did not have prior knowledge of Nutritional gardening was not getting adequate quantity of vegetables around the years. In 2022 she came in contact with the scientist of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Gumla and showed her keen interest in Nutritional gardening and other technical support from the scientist. Being a hard working farm women she grasped the technology faster and adopted it. After getting scientific knowledge of nutritional garden and good quality vegetable seeds like Carrot, Beet, Brinjal, Cauliflower, Green leafy Vegetable, Chili, Coriander, Tomato, Radish, French bean etc, she developed nutritional garden in 300sqm and also planted fruit plants like Guava, Mango, Papaya, Drumstick etc. Economic impact-Initially she was developing Nutritional garden with constant encouragement because of this she was not able to get vegetables around the year. In 2022 after demonstration on Nutritional Garden and regular follow up by the KVK Scientist at her field, area under Nutritional garden was increased to 300sqm. which was able to full fill food diversity in the diet of her family members. It had also reduced reliance on market for introduced vegetables and fruits. With this Nutritional garden she was happy to enhance Nutritional security and also income security for her family. She earned about Rs. 2500.00 per month from the sale of surplus vegetables. Social impact -Through Nutritional garden her family members were Nutritionaly secured because of intake of all nutrient’s like proteins, vitamins and minerals in their diets and this motivated other family of her village for including balanced and healthy diet in their meal. She was a key person for other farm women in developing Nutritional garden in their land. Environmental impact With the adoption of short duration varieties of vegetables and ridge method planting under Nutritional garden, the water saving was found up to 10-15%. Horizontal/ Vertical spread- By seeing Mrs. Anjella Kerketta’s effort almost all the farm women of her surrounding villages have adopted Nutritional garden at their own land for enhance their income and Nutritional securities both.
Date: 2022-03-31
Mushroom Production –A key for success in living a quality life
Name of farmer Mrs. Sangita Devi Address Village -Role, Panchayat- Amtipani, Block- Bishunpur, District- Gumla Name and description of the farm/ enterprise Mrs. Sangita Devi, 42 yrs. old, resident of village- role, Panchayat- Amtipani, Block-Bishunpur was dependent on farming only and earned about Rs 40,000 to Rs. 50,000 in a year which was insufficient to meet her expenses. So she was in search of doing highly remunerative enterprise which can secure her livelihood. In 2013, she started mushroom production but due to unavailability of spawn and lack of knowledge, she did not take it to a sustainable level. One day she contacted to KVK Gumla regarding training on oyster mushroom cultivation. In 2021 she acquired scientific knowledge and skill of mushroom cultivation and its value addition through training and demonstration and again she started her journey with mushroom cultivation to a large scale. In 2021, she prepared 300 mushroom bundles in a season and earned about Rs.70000 from the sale of 350 kg of mushroom. She sold her produce in local Bishunpur market and also to the other SHGs who were selling mushroom pickle. Economic impact Selling fresh and dry mushroom she was getting an income of Rs. 40000/ in a season which makes her quite happy. With this growth in income she was able to provide proper education to her children and living a happy life. Now she is trying of taking Mushroom Production as a main source of income. Social impact Mrs. Sangita is also a member of Chameli Self Help Group and other members were also motivated by her and they were focusing on its value added products. She not only empowered herself but also empowered other farm women of the village which helped her in getting good recognition in the society. For developing marketing channel, she had distributed work among all the members of the SHG like roles for grower, seller, value addition of mushroom and waste management. Empowering women for their development was a major role played by her in defining, challenging and overcoming barriers in the life. Environmental impact Mushroom are gradually becoming popular as they are highly nutritious and having good medicinal values. Mushroom cultivation is an ecofriendly activity as it utilizes the waste from agriculture which are available in huge quantities in every villages and in turn it produces fruiting bodies with good nutritional and medicinal attributes. After harvesting of the bundle, the left over straw bundles were used for the vermin compost production by the members of the SHG. Horizontal/ Vertical spread Initially She started the journey with 20 mushroom bundles and due to lack of knowledge she skipped this idea in between her journey but after getting regular guidance from KVK Gumla she took it to a 500 bundles which multiplied her income from hundred to thousand. Seeing her success, other farm women of nearby villages were also involved in mushroom cultivation and also started to add it in their diet. Now Mushroom cultivation has adopted by the most of the farm women and SHGs also because of good income security and it has become a well-known enterprise in Gumla district.
Date: 2022-03-31
Empowerment of Rural youth through Micro Irrigation
Name of Farmer : Mr. Ajay Kerketta Name and description of the farm/enterprise : Mr. Kerketta, 27 years old inter pass from Gumla district. In March 2019 he got training from Krishi Vigyan Kendra Gumla, Vikas Bharti Bishunpur under Micro Irrigation Technician, Agriculture Skill Council of India, New Delhi and in October 2021, Flora Tech Pvt. Ltd contacted with KVK for those youths, who got training on Micro Irrigation technicians from KVK in past years. Mr. Kerketta willing to work as a technician not on salary basis but on contract basis. At the beginning, he was started only Rs.2000 per acre for drip irrigation system installation in farmers field at Ranchi district. Within two years he successfully installed micro irrigation system in more than 200 acres at farmers field of Kuthi, Lohardaga, Ranchi and Gumla district. Economic impact : Within 5-6 moths he understand the entire system and he started charging Rs. 4000 to Rs. 5000 thousand per acre and now he is experience and capable to install micro irrigation system in 12 to 15 units in a month it means he is earning money Rs.60000 to 70000 thousand per month for 8 to 10 months in a year. On an average his monthly gross earning is Rs.45000 thousand. With his inner confidence he is target to open his own shop of irrigation system at Gumla town by 2024. Environmental impact : Now a days, day by day irrigation water scarcity is increasing drastically in the world. Farmers of Gumla district has been also depending on the ground water resources like open wells but it is not possible to irrigate the 2-3 acres by single well. In this case the micro irrigation system technique is most suitable to irrigate in large area with the help of finite irrigation water source. Now all farmers are aware of that micro irrigation system is not only save water but its saves fertilizer also with fertigation system. It’s not only helps to reduce irrigation water but its helps to reduce chemicals pollution in the soil also. Horizontal/vertical spread : After seeing the successful farming system on micro irrigation base at farmers field, maximum farmers are motivated and started same in his own land also and the remaining many farmers has also applying application at agriculture office for micro irrigation system under Pradhanmantri Krishi Sichai Yojana. The farmers are also realizing that in future agriculture farming is not possible without micro irrigation.
Date: 2022-03-31
Empowerment of Rural youth through Micro Irrigation
Name - Mr. Ajay Kumar Sahu Address : Fasiyabartoli, Block Gumla, District Gumla (Jharkhand) Name and description of the farm/enterprise : Mr. Sahu, 24 years old inter pass from Gumla district. In March 2019 he got training from Krishi Vigyan Kendra Gumla, Vikas Bharti Bishunpur under Micro Irrigation Technician, Agriculture Skill Council of India, New Delhi and in October 2021, Flora Tech Pvt. Ltd contacted with KVK for those youths, who got training on Micro Irrigation technicians from KVK in past years. Mr. Sahu willing to work as a technician not on salary basis but on contract basis. At the beginning, he was started only Rs.2000 per acre for drip irrigation system installation in farmers field at Ranchi district. Within two years he successfully installed micro irrigation system in more than 200 acres at farmers field of Kuthi, Lohardaga, Ranchi and Gumla district. Economic impact : Within 5-6 moths he understand the entire system and he started charging Rs. 4000 to Rs. 5000 thousand per acre and now he is experience and capable to install micro irrigation system in 12 to 15 units in a month it means he is earning money Rs.60000 to 70000 thousand per month for 8 to 10 months in a year. On an average his monthly gross earning is Rs.45000 thousand. With his inner confidence he is target to open his own shop of irrigation system at Gumla town by 2024. Environmental impact : Now a days, day by day irrigation water scarcity is increasing drastically in the world. Farmers of Gumla district has been also depending on the ground water resources like open wells but it is not possible to irrigate the 2-3 acres by single well. In this case the micro irrigation system technique is most suitable to irrigate in large area with the help of finite irrigation water source. Now all farmers are aware of that micro irrigation system is not only save water but its saves fertilizer also with fertigation system. It’s not only helps to reduce irrigation water but its helps to reduce chemicals pollution in the soil also. Horizontal/vertical spread : After seeing the successful farming system on micro irrigation base at farmers field, maximum farmers are motivated and started same in his own land also and the remaining many farmers has also applying application at agriculture office for micro irrigation system under Pradhanmantri Krishi Sichai Yojana. The farmers are also realizing that in future agriculture farming is not possible without micro irrigation.
Date: 2022-03-31
Balanced use of fertilizer in Ragi production proved to be a boon for the farmer
The village of Shiv Shankar Singh is 65 km away from district office and 115 km from Krishi Vigyan Kendra office. Due to the large amount of Tand land in their village, the farmers here cultivate Maduva in large quantities, but their production (8-10 quintals) per hectare is much less than the national and state average production. The scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendra in his village went to the farmers under the program on the farmer's farm and got the experience of the farmers cultivating Mahua, after that the scientists of the KVK decided that the farmers should be shown to the farmers by doing On Farm Trial (OFT) in this village. That balanced nutrient management will increase crop production which is essential for crops. At the same time, the fertility of the soil will also increase. Economic impact-In Kharif-2020, field trials were conducted on the field of Shiv Shankar Singh by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Gumla, Vikas Bharti Bishnupur. In which two more treatments were taken along with farmer's method, in which treatment number - 1 with farmer's method + foliar spray of potassium nitrate was done on 20 days 40 days and in treatment number - 2, the recommender quantity of fertilizer (40:30:20) per N: P2O5:K2O the On Farm Trial was completed by getting it delivered at the rate of hectare. Under which the best production came at the rate of 18.68 quintals per hectare in treatment number - 1 and 17 quintals per hectare in treatment number - 2, which was 6 quintals per hectare more than the farmer's yield, due to which the farmer got additional income Rs. 18000 per hectare more. Environmental impact-The farmers adopted the suggestion given by the KVK scientist during On Farm Trial conducted in the year – 2020. The farmers consider both treatment 1st and 2nd better than the farmer technology. Managing the balanced amount of nutrients in the crop, its production cane be increased if we do the 4R approach by the farmer. At the same time the fertility of the soil will also remain. Horizontal/vertical spread-Impact of balance use of fertilizer encourage more farmers of village kamta/salegutu. Many farmers of the village were excited to see the result of balance use of fertilizers done in ragi crop on Shiv Sankar Singh field and expressed their happiness to adopt this technology to implement this balanced nutrient management for summer and rabi crop used in due to which his yield was huge, he remained close to state and the national, which increased his income as well as helped a lot in the livelihood. Farmers are coming forward to advance balance nutrient management technology.
Date: 2022-03-31
Sustainable income through mustard Cultivation
Mrs. Shobha Bhagat is a 38-year-old Scheduled Tribe woman from Khatanga village of Ghaghra block. She has studied till matriculation, after that she got married, coming to her in-laws house and joining Mahila Mandal, she built a shed for rearing 1000 chickens per batch to run her group well as well as join self-employment. Started poultry farming, 1000 chickens per batch are reared, in this way 5-6 batches of chickens are done in a year, which gives them a net profit of 115000 -125000 in a year, they organized the women of their village and started new Keeps searching for new dimensions that how to improve the economic condition of the people. In this direction, in the Rabi season of the year 2021-22, from Krishi Vigyan Kendra Gumla Vikas Bharti Bishunpur, the women of their village will be given D.R.M.R. While giving training under the project, PM-30 species of mustard crop was observed. The farmers of this village used to do mixed farming of mustard, but under demonstration only mustard crop was swoned in their fields with balanced fertilizer management, then they got good production from their fields, seeing that they used only mustard sowing in other years. Economic impact - Shobha Devi had planted the only mustard crop in 1 acre in the year 2021-22, in which she got 6.25 quintal production, keeping it for her requirement, sale the remaining 5 quintal mustard to the market at rupees 6500 per quintal, which earned additional total income of 32500. She was very happy by selling it, as well as she got the privilege of eating pure mustard oil in her house for years. Environmental impact-In today's time, the demand of mustard oil is increasing day by day. The farmers of Gumla district mainly used to do mixed farming of mustard, but under the FLD and DRMR project of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gumla, and every year 200 to 250 farmers in the district do only mustard crop in 100 hectares. Seeing this, the farmers are increasing the mustard crop, as well as their income is also getting better and the cost is also coming down. Farmers are earning up to 1:3.5 from mustard cultivation. After seeing the successful Mustard crop only, maximum farmers are inspired and start it in their land also. And many farmers in their village have also started Mustard farming only. Farmers are also realizing that supply of edible oil is not possible in future without cultivation of mustard only.
Date: 2022-12-31
Successful Agri-preneurs of Piggery of Gumla District under ARYA
Pig farming is also one of the fast growing sector in Gumla district. Perception of tribal people, only lower cast has been doing pig farming but now a days a all cast involved in this farming due higher return. But still there is need replacement of breed. Unavailability pure breed farmers are not getting optimal production with same effort. Today Mr. Beck is successful in pig farmer in a district due to his wide vision of farming with hard working nature. His farming is Pig Farming based integrated farming system which is followed by dairy, vegetable cultivation, cereal crop production, backyard poultry and minimal processing for rice. For pig he does not depends on markets readymade feed but he has manage with all line hotels, school hostel for kitchen wastage are available in nearby his unit and cultivating green fodder also in pace of his land. Two people has involved in regular basis for piggery and dairy and his wife and himself involved in agriculture and minimal processing unit. Role of KVK in selecting the enterprise/ marketing the produce-The major cause of failure of this sector is untimely vaccination, unavailability time to time clinical service and same problem he is facing last 6 years but when he came to contact with KVK during block level workshop in 2018 and KVK regularly providing vaccination and clinical support. Regular technical support his mortality percentage also reduced from 80-95% to n 5-10 %. In 2019, Under ARYA project KVK Gumla provided one pair (1:1) piglet (breed Jharsuk) to maintained pure races of pig. Pattern of market linkage-High demand of adult live pig (for meat purpose) at doorstep with high rate – marketing is not issue for him. Though KVK has linked him with other ARYA youths, local animal vendors for piglets marketing. Livelihood on agriprenureship -His livelihood is depending on piggery 61%, agriculture 18%, dairy 11% and Minimal processing 10%
Date: 2022-07-26
Successful Agri-preneurs of Piggery of Gumla District under ARYA
Pig farming is also one of the fast growing sector in Gumla district. Perception of tribal people, only lower cast has been doing pig farming but now a days a all cast involved in this farming due higher return. But still there is need replacement of breed. Unavailability pure breed farmers are not getting optimal production with same effort. Today Mr. Beck is successful in pig farmer in a district due to his wide vision of farming with hard working nature. His farming is Pig Farming based integrated farming system which is followed by dairy, vegetable cultivation, cereal crop production, backyard poultry and minimal processing for rice. For pig he does not depends on markets readymade feed but he has manage with all line hotels, school hostel for kitchen wastage are available in nearby his unit and cultivating green fodder also in pace of his land. Two people has involved in regular basis for piggery and dairy and his wife and himself involved in agriculture and minimal processing unit. Role of KVK in selecting the enterprise/ marketing the produce-The major cause of failure of this sector is untimely vaccination, unavailability time to time clinical service and same problem he is facing last 6 years but when he came to contact with KVK during block level workshop in 2018 and KVK regularly providing vaccination and clinical support. Regular technical support his mortality percentage also reduced from 80-95% to n 5-10 %. In 2019, Under ARYA project KVK Gumla provided one pair (1:1) piglet (breed Jharsuk) to maintained pure races of pig. Pattern of market linkage-High demand of adult live pig (for meat purpose) at doorstep with high rate – marketing is not issue for him. Though KVK has linked him with other ARYA youths, local animal vendors for piglets marketing. Livelihood on agriprenureship -His livelihood is depending on piggery 61%, agriculture 18%, dairy 11% and Minimal processing 10%
Date: 2022-07-26
Mango Plantation – A Boon for ensuring income in NICRA village Gunia and tribal farmers of the district
Situation analysis NICRA adopted village Gunia cluster is situated in Ghaghra block of Gumla district. Village Gunia was selected under NICRA project on the basis of severity of climatic vulnerability (Less precipitation of rain) across the district by using tools Benchmark survey and database. Entire cluster village received less than 400 mm however a positive strength of the village is it is covered by small rivulet Mahasaria which is directly connected with Mahasaria dam. That dam was the eye opening of KVK scientist before selecting the village. At that time irrigation resources existing in the village was two defunct big pond and defunct canal. As far as crop cultivation is concerned mostly monoculture, upland, midland and low land rice based, which was less remunerative. The land situation of the village is upland, medium and low land. Up land area is 70% of the cultivable area. Nearly 70% of the soil type in the village is red sandy loam. Earlier (before NICRA) farmer’s mainly cultivated Gora paddy, Ragi and Maize to the extent of 200 ha in upland during kharif season. The average productivity of the major crop rice was 12-16 q ha-1. The major reasons for low productivity are moisture stress, use of traditional variety and improper crop management. Technology, Implementation and support In the backdrop of constraints faced by the farmers in vulnerable land zone (i'e Upland), KVK developed a strategies to promote “Mango based farming system in rainfed upland red soil” with a long term objective to bring income security to the farmers against climatic vulnerability. An integrated training module was developed by the KVK that include Soil and water conservation, Developing rain water harvesting structure, Digging of trenches, Irrigation sources bore-well and lift system based, Orchard layout, Pit digging and filling with rich manure vermicomposrt, Distribution of regular bearing quality planting material Amrapali, mallika, Management of pest and disease with a provision of staking. And intercropping of crop Wheat, Mustard, Potato, Cauliflower and Cabbage was promoted. During 7 year period from 2012-13 to 2018-19 KVK organized 18 training programmes among 455 farmers. Exposure visit were organized to ICAR-RCER Plandu, Ranchi, KVK farm and successful rainfed mango orchard established by few farmers under the technical guidance of KVK. From 2012-13 onwards supply of quality mango graft was one of the important interventions. During the period from 2012-13 to 2018-19 KVK supplied 1876 no. of grafts of Amrapali, Malika and Langra. Besides this KVK has also made convergence with MGNREGA in promotion of Mango orchards in the cluster village (Gunia, Jargatoli, Burhu, Belagadha and Khambhia) with irrigation facilities. Total mango grafts supplied through convergence was 1760 no. which has covered area of 10.38 ha. Altogether 3636 no. of mango plantation was promoted among 41 farmers in NICRA cluster village. Regular follow up is being done by KVK scientist. For better income market is also linked with the participant farmers Strategy for up scaling mango based farming system in rainfed upland area of Gumla district KVK facilitated to promote Mango orchards in upland area through awareness, capacity building and convergence with different stakeholders and NGOs. Effective convergence with NHM, ITDA and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Program (MGNREGA) for promotion of Mango based farming system in the other blocks of the district as a resilient strategies for income sustainability. Formation of Mango Producer Group consisting 611 no. of farmers under the guidance of KVK during 2018-19. KVK facilitated marketing. KVK efforts under NICRA and other programme paved a way for spread of mango area in 36 villages of Bishunpur, Ghaghra, Raidih and Gumla in the area of 590 ha belonging to 579 farmers. When this data is compared with the base data of respective village there has been 110% increase in the area. Outcome There has been significant change in the income of farmers owing to adoption of rainfed mango cultivation. The participants’ farmer has succeeded in gaining of the income in the tune of Rs. 50000 to 150000/farmer/annum with a expected production of 2200 ton. Through this efforts on an average Rs. 5 crores revenue will be generated in the district every year. However participant farmers have been succeeded in the earning of 38 lakhs during 2018-19. Farmers of the district has not only succeeded in bumper harvest of mango fruits only but they have been succeeded to harvest crop like Mustard, Wheat, Pulses and Vegetables and Spices as an intercrop and getting the additional good income which is one of the coping strategies against climatic vulnerability.
Date: 2022-07-26
Success Story on Profitable Dairy Farming
Mr. Teman Das a 48 year old farmer is managing his dairy with 02 non descript cows since 2020. His dairy unit is in the village, which is 1 km away from Bishunpur block. Being an educated person he always thought about the better farming with sound technological intervention. And accordingly he started the dairy as an entrepreneurial venture in his farming system. He knows the constraint and future of his enterprise critically and tried for ensuing regular income but he does not succeeded in maintaining the regular market demand. However he succeeded in assessing the demand. On the basis of his past experiences he felt that some major refinement is needed before mega planning. He realizes the technological gap and accordingly contacted to the KVK for technical intervention (Training). Considering the physical, social, economical and technical gap KVK decide to develop a sound dairy unit in participatory mode in his farm house. After technological intervention (Training) was made through introduction of two no of additional cross breed cows of HF and old two were inseminated with Sahiwal breed. All these intervention was made in 2021 for which investment was made by the participant farmer on the suggestion of KVK scientist.. Beside these intervention Fodder crop Maize (var.-African toll), Hybrid Napier, and Oat was developed in his 0.5 acre. After development of all needed intervention regular vaccination and capacity building programme and proper market strategies were also established. Impressive technological management of Mr. Goswami has succeeded to open the eye of other stakeholders, who is having more no. of cows but still gaining very less income through milk production. Seven families of the adjoining villages also adopted this practice with a view of minimization of cost and maximization of net profit. Awards/rewards/appreciation received Impact factor Before Adoption since 2021-22 After Adoption (2022-23) Practices Introduction of new breed AI in available indescript breed with improved indigenous breed Indescript breed cow – 2 no HF Breed-02. New cross breed Cow 2 (HF-02) AI (Two) in indescript breed Introduction of green fodder year round Occasionally in rainy season only Year round 20-25 kg/day Vaccination Occasionally (1 time) As per schedule (03 times) Mortality % in calf 80% 0. Proper marketing strategy No Yes Avg. Milk production 4 lit/day 15 lit/day Avg. Yield (Milk production)/Annum 720 lit/annum 2700 lit/annum Length of mulching 200 days 300 days Gross sale value @ 30/lit 37500 135000 Gross cost of production/annum 28000 50000 Net Saving/Net Profit (Rs/annum) 12500 89500
Date: 2022-07-26
Value addition : Transforming the life of tribal women
: Mrs. Anita Devi, Age – 30 yrs young graduate lady of village Nawagarh Serka of Bishunpur block is setting an example for other women who is residing in the Bishunpur vicinity. She is a chairman of the SHG namely Sarvshri Mahila Sameti. Being educated fellow she has always in search of doing something different and trying to involve the group members for better achievement. She has knowing and realizing the future of secondary agriculture. She also knows the availability of forest based natural resources. In beginning she was involved in the value addition with her mother. Who has practiced in a very small scale. After 2-3 years, Mrs. Anita started brainstorming about restructuring the SHG keeping the future of value addition in her mind. In 2012 she came in KVK with her strategic plan and discussed about their execution in group level. After detailed discussion with KVK team, A road map was prepared keeping the view of the involvement of every members of the group. And accordingly the capacity building was made in collection, grading, value addition process with marketing strategy, especially in available forest and crop based resources. Regular follow up was made by the scientists. Value added product of the group was exhibited in Kisan Mela, exhibition with the support of KVK in early phase. Mrs. Anita is always conscious about the quality and accordingly she categories the members of the group in production process of the product. In July 2012 group started the value addition work in very small scale with investment of Rs. 35000/- (Thirty Five Thousand) focusing on the production of jamun sirka (Black berry vinegar only) and group succeeded in generation of Rs. 65000 to Rs. 75000 net income. By seeing the impact of Anita’s plan members of the group entrusted their full support and assurance for strengthening their plan. In dynamic leadership of Mrs. Anita Sarvshree mahila samiti engaged in production of different value added product in their segment. And the group has succeeded to maintain Rs 5 to 6 lakhs annual turnover. All this happen because of clear and sound vision of Mrs. Anita.
Date: 2022-07-22
Pig farming
The farmer used to get annual income of Rs. 52500 from Pig farming. He faced problems like Proper housing, Non-descript breed, Feeding, High mortality and Timely vaccination. With DFI interventions like Shelter management, Improved breed T&D, Mineral Mixture, Timely vaccination and regular follow up. He is getting annual income of Rs 135000.00, through Improved Pig Farming.
Date: 2022-07-22